Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ohhhhhhh the negativity!

Sunday was one of those days...I hate this, I hate that, I hate you, are we done yet? are we there yet? are we home yet?

Aspie's can be notoriously negative. On Sunday my sonshine took the main prize. I did manage to get through it by finally saying...if I hear I hate....one more time you will spend next weekend at home. Nuf said... no more I hates. Except for swimming. He still hates that.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Dirty Bananas

My husband has decided to be the monitor of all things food lately. Yesterday he said to our son, "Hey, why don't you eat a banana...they're starting to turn." To which my son replied, "No thanks Dad, I don't like dirty bananas." (Referencins of course the brown spots :) Gotta love it!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

This boy had a great weekend...

The beach, the lake (lots of movement and sensory input), world of warcraft, guitar hero, xbox360, his favorite uncle, his family, no schedule, and sunny skies...for Brennan...it just doesn't get any better than that. For mom...his homework is done and he's all ready for school today.