Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Normal Among Us

I wish I had a video camera...I wish I could capture it in my memory and keep it there forever. Last night my son started his latest playgroup to continue building his social skills. From the minute I mentioned it to him he was so excited. I had no doubt it would go well. As I sat beside him in the waiting room, the other Aspie teenagers began to come in. My boy looked at me everytime he saw a similarity. "Hey Mom! I know what they're talking about. Hey Mom, they all have their SP's with them. Hey Mom, they like Pokemon!" I was immediately pleased in the fact that my son sat in a room of 9 teenagers and looked completely and utterly normal. 8 handsome young men and 1 young lady all with nothing to lose: Talking, laughing, playing and catching up, painfully aware of how different they can be. I encouraged my son to go talk to them. "Na...I'll wait." was the reply. Finally the therapist came in and encouraged the group to introduce themselves to my son. They all stood up, shook hands, practiced making eye contact and introduced themselves. They were off for the best hour of fun I believe my son may have ever had. There were no put downs, there was no ridicule, there was no was totally safe, totally fun, and totally wonderful. If I think about it too much, it'll probably bring me to tears. After the group I asked him if he liked it? "Liked it?!? Of course! When can I come back?" We talked about how if felt to be among a large group of kids that were just like which he was scary at first because I don't like that introducing stuff, but then it was really fun. Bless his heart! I saw a lot of hope for my boy last night. I met a lot of super great kids...loving, funny, energetic, smart, unsure, determined great kids...determined to be normal among us.

1 comment:

Tootie said...

Now that's a great story! :-)