An unfortunate part of having Asperger's is attending middle school. Middle school is wrought with bullies. Professional bullies and lots of them. I spent most of my natural life last school year addressing the bully situation at the middle school. The stealing of the pencils, the pulling out of the chair when my son goes to sit down, the flipping him off when the teacher's not looking, etc. etc. It's been quite lovely overall. NOT!
Anyway, so we sought some therapy for the boy last year on how to deal with these bullies effectively. Our therapist recommended this book...
You can go to the website here. This fall the author is coming out with a do it yourself book to write your own story. There is also a sequel that I haven't read yet and a 3rd book coming out. This series is written with such humor and in cartoon form, yet the social stories included are relevant and really help Aspie's learn to deal with the bullying. I would highly recommend it! My son keeps asking me where is his book, and why is it always in my room? ;) Sorry son, I just couldn't help but finish it. This book is great for any child that is bullied...

On this sight I don't speak too much of having an Aspie for a sibling...however, it can be a challenge at best...for the Aspie sibling I recommend the book Rules by Cynthia Lord.
It is written from the perspective of a middle school girl growing up with an autistic brother and how she teaches him social rules. It let's siblings of autistic children know they are not alone. In these last few days before school's good to get back on track with a good book...

1 comment:
that's just d way thing go...
and you can't change bullies, you can just be there for your kid and hope he will learn ON HIS OWN how to deal with dat. dont get involved in school sistem, with teachers,... it will only make him feel worse and make bullies hit harder.
one day school will be over, and every day that day is one day closer.
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