Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The boy with the laughs...

My son has a carefree spirit this summer, which is new to him and new to me. The majority of his life includes a lot of worry, obstacles, obsessions, and anxiety. I have noticed a new found carefreeness (is that a word) about the boy this summer and I must say I like it. I hope it hangs around so he can just appreciate being and not worry so much. Two little tidbits for you today that just cracked me up...

So, y'all know that Brennan is really diggin tennis this year. The problem with that is when he's excited about something his mouth runs NON STOP. I as the mama am sure it would be even more disrupted if I yelled from the bleachers, "Hey Brennan, could you puleeeezzzzzeee be quiet?" So, I have sat quietly waiting for someone to tire of his mouth. Well, tire they did. Finally the coach said, Brennan, really if you don't be quiet you're going to have to run a which Brennan replied in true Aspie fashion, "Run a lap? You want me to run a lap? Just one? Because that's really no problem. Right before I got here I rode my bike around the block 13 times, to get rid of some energy, so one lap is nothing" and then he continued talking to his neighbor. I'm pretty sure that's not the response the coach was looking for.

I am REALLY the wimpiest mom of all time. I hardly ever say no, and my kids are quite indulged. SHOCKING?!? Isn't it?!? (Man I'm crackin myself up today) -- anyway, despite my overly kind and generous way with my children, they often find it necessary to point out to me exactly how mean I am. In my defense I've learned to respond, "Yes, I know I'm mean. I went to the mean school for mama's." So, today as usual Brennan was whining about some injustice that had come his way and of course I spouted off about the mean school for mama's, to which he replied..."there is no mean school for mama's I looked it up online and it doesn't exist." OMG!!! Gotta love the literal nature of Aspie's huh? Have I mentioned lately how much I love him?

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