Monday, August 25, 2008

Yes, I worship the counselor...

OK, not really, I only worship the Great JC, but clearly...after three days of fighting with the new overzealous case manager, and still not getting his schedule back to the pre-overzealous son's guidance counselor returns from vacation today and magically switches his schedule back to how we made it a month ago. Amazing! The question remains as to how and why it was changed in the first place...AND...I ask you...SHOULD guidance counselors really be allowed to take a vacation the first week of school? Didn't you just have three months off? Just wondering...


3 kids & us said...

Hunter too is having a little trouble all ready. he seems to have already misplaced a workbook.I have contacted the teacher to see how how could possible have lost a book since it hasn't even been a week.i don't think they have evenworked in it yet. Hunter says she never gave him one. She says she set it on his desk. but he says it dosn't even have his name in it. But they don't even have any extrasto issue him so he is getting copies. wihtout any directions included.ugh!!!!!!!

Jacque said...

That is so frustrating! I talked to a parent last night of a freshman, and she had some unbelievable stories of her special needs son's start in high school...Good thing our kids have us mama's!